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We are a active clan, that uses every new player to their strength. We like to have a good time and platoon with one another and are mainly an older group (25-60) yoa. We have a very solid network of players that platoon and train very often to work on skills, formations, and team building. We request you have several tier 10's so you will be able to run ADVANCES and CLANWARS. Our main active days are Thursday - Saturday.

We look forward to all new additions we have requirements but exceptions can be made. We do require you have team speak 3 and while in game be on it, as communication is very important for a clan to be successful. Feel free to drop in check us out and have a good time. WE ARE RECRUITING FOR TEIR 10 CLAN WAR!. 

TS Address: 

Also we own nothing most the images an other content belongs to Wargaming and is only used to promote and support players of world of tanks and Wargaming IP

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