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~~~~~~Please send out Recruiting messages~~~~~~

confront them, challenege them, but sell them the facts

we laugh we cry and most of all we have fun.

We need their talent and they need someone to keep this game interesting or else they will 

get bored and the friends are what we keep coming back for



WOT rebalance

you got a computer virus its a new virus


This is Bacardi, you all should know me by now. I have built many computers including NightFurys and just like you I've struggled with a...

Soviet Double Guns

Its finally in the Super Test and there's the latest info about these bad boys and more soviet heavies are coming

Soviet G

WG is selling the SU-130PM its a soviet version of the skorpion G and also the crom B

Nov events

-World of Tanks Turkey Shoot: Nov. 22-24 250 Gold for bagging one of these special clan names [TERKY], [TORKY], and [TWRKY] -Skorpion G...

Double Barrel Tech Tree

yes they are making the double gun tanks a tech tree thing not just a premium watch the video link


+400 alpha +fast reload (I got it to 7.04 secs) +Armor and slopes +Good crew trainer +Great Credit maker +3400 DPM +248 standard and 300...


=decent credit maker =mobility high horses per ton but poor turning (EBR turning) +gun accuracy +speed +Depression -10 +90mm HE pen...


+makes credits +280 alpha +Depression -10 +good turret +front hull surprise bounces +good view range (got mine 470m) +mobility +adaptable...


We need to start recruiting people into the clan this website should help them and you do that * step one be assertive *step two give...


Clan Night-Schedule

Weekly Schedule:

*Thursday: 7pm Central Clan night #1. Run Skirms have fun!

*Friday: 7pm Central Clan Night #2. Skims/ Advances

*Saturday: 5pm Central CLAN NIGHT #3: Run Skirms/ Advances (MAIN NIGHT MAX PARTICIPATION)

*Sunday-Wednesday: 3pm Central toon and enough skirm help each other complete missions and grind what tanks are needed

Tier 10 Tanks needed

Primary Tanks people need for Tier 10: 277, Super Conqueror, 430U, EBR, Maus. As of right now these lines you need to grind period!

Sixth Sense sound replacer

you can use this mp3 to replace the sixth sense sound the bonus of doing this is if you get spotted back down then by the time this alarm stops you will be cloaked again

Upcoming Tanks

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