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  • Writer's pictureJean_Luc_Bacardi


+400 alpha

+fast reload (I got it to 7.04 secs)

+Armor and slopes

+Good crew trainer

+Great Credit maker

+3400 DPM

+248 standard and 300 Heat pen

+40 shell capacity

-slightly poor view range (its workable)

-12 horses per ton

-Depressing Depression -5 degrees

-26 kph

-poor camo

-big weak spot in front (lower plate)

I've played this a lot, I wish I had kept the battle results to show you my really good matches from awhile back, where I've done 2-4k damage and won 125k credits. But after doing some matches which really wasn't in my favor. About 1300 damage you will get 50k credits but you have the ability to carry a match with this rapid gun. its not a bad tank it trains a crew for the E3 or E4, It makes money, and looks cute.

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